Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Nomad Floorball League 2008 Results

Champion - Reloaded
1st Runner Up - Nomad All Saints
2nd Runner Up - Nomad Black Ravens
3rd Runner Up - Hope-Skytos

Top Scorers

12 goals - Gregory Chin (Reloaded)

7 goals - Samuel Wong (Reloaded)

7 goals - William Chong (Nomad All Saints)

6 goals - Adrian Crnila Bin Kareem (Nomad All Saints)

6 goals - Adrian Lim (Reloaded)

6 goals - Mark Casselle Mickey (Nomad All Saints)

5 goals - Terence Wong (Hope-Skytos)

4 goals - Leslie Ling (Hope-Skytos)

4 goals - Lim Yao Seng (Reloaded)

3 goals - Alexander Carl Gutual (Nomad All Saints)

3 goals - Tham Yao Kit (Nomad Black Ravens)

2 goals - Eugene Wong (Nomad Black Ravens)

2 goals - Jonathan Lee (Nomad Black Ravens)

2 goals - Leonard Wong (Nomad Black Ravens)

2 goals - Lim Yao Long (Reloaded)

2 goals - Travis Chong (Reloaded)

1 goal - Aaron Lim (Reloaded)

1 goal - Felix Wong (Nomad Black Ravens)

1 goal - Oscar Chew (Hope-Skytos)

1 goal - Samantha Jafree (Nomad All Saints)

1 goal - Telly Chong (Reloaded)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Nomad Black Ravens vs Reloaded

It was a gloomy afternoon for the Black Ravens. Fresh from the previous night’s massacre (Nomad Black Ravens 1 vs. Nomad All Saints 14) they’re now up against an invincible team, Reloaded.

7 team members reported for duty, out of which, 3 sustained heavy injuries. With Capt. Leonard Wong (00:28) leading the first attack, Raven’s spirit was lifted momentarily as he scored within the 1st minute of the match, shooting right through, between the goalie’s legs. It was all defensive play from that moment on after Reloaded started pounding on Raven’s defense. In a sudden turn of events, 13 year old Tham Yao Kit (17:07 & 18:00) managed to harass Reloaded defense twice within a minute! Another 2 scores by Tham Yao Kit (4:42) and Felix Wong (9:16) during the 2nd period was all that the Black Ravens has to give before succumbing to Reloaded’s supremacy.

End of 1st Period : Nomad Black Ravens 3 : Reloaded 8

End of 2nd Period : Nomad Black Ravens 2 : Reloaded 8

FINAL SCORE : Nomad Black Ravens 5 : Reloaded 16

1st Period
Capt. Leonard Wong – Nomad Black Ravens (00:28)
Adrian Lim – Reloaded (4:08)
Adrian Lim – Reloaded (6:37)
Gregory Chin – Reloaded (7:26)
Lim Yao Seng – Reloaded (8:41)
Samuel Wong – Reloaded (9:09)
Gregory Chin – Reloaded (10:17)
Gregory Chin – Reloaded (14:51)
Tham Yao Kit – Nomad Black Ravens (17:07)
Tham Yao Kit – Nomad Black Ravens (18:00)
Aaron Lim – Reloaded (19:45)

2nd Period
Tham Yao Kit – Nomad Black Ravens (4:42)
Lim Yao Seng – Reloaded (7:14)
Gregory Chin – Reloaded (8:38)
Travis Chong – Reloaded (8:47)
Gregory Chin – Reloaded (9:03)
Felix Wong – Nomad Black Ravens (9:16)
Samuel Wong – Reloaded (11:09)
Samuel Wong – Reloaded (12:22)
Adrian Lim – Reloaded (15:19)
Lim Yao Long – Reloaded (16:13)

Reloaded vs Hope-Skytos

Hope-Skytos’ last match of the league proves to be a spectacular game; but unfortunately it was disrupted by a city black-out just before the start of the 2nd Period. Having the 2nd period on the 18th of May (6 days after the 1st period) saw Hope-Skytos’ team falter as only half of their team were able to attend the onslaught by Reloaded now twice their size. Hope-Skytos played hard without losing hope when facing inevitable

End of 1st Period : Reloaded 6 : Hope-Skytos 3

End of 2nd Period : Reloaded 4 : Hope-Skytos 0

FINAL SCORE : Reloaded 10 : Hope-Skytos 3

1st Period
Lim Yao Long – Reloaded (1:25)
Adrian Lim – Reloaded (2:25)
Telly Chong – Reloaded (2:42)
Terence Chong – Hope-Skytos (6:23)
Leslie Ling – Hope-Skytos (6:49)
Gregory Chin – Reloaded (8:04)
Adrian Lim – Reloaded (13:31)
Lim Yao Seng – Reloaded (15:45)
Leslie Ling – Hope-Skytos (16:00)

2nd Period
Travis Chong – Reloaded (2:44)
Gregory Chin – Reloaded (3:48)
Gregory Chin – Reloaded (10:17)
Samuel Wong – Reloaded (14:24)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nomad Black Ravens vs Nomad All Saints

The sun did not shine today. In the wake of a terrible civil war between the two Nomad clans on the 17th May 2008, the Black Ravens succumbed to the harsh reality of defeat. With 1 injured player and 3 absent players, it was a massacre.

With only Eugene Wong (13:09) scoring their only goal of the match, Nomad All Saints trampled all remaining hopes into dust and ashes. Let’s take a moment of silence……….

End of 1st Period : Nomad Black Ravens 1 : Nomad All Saints 6

End of 2nd Period : Nomad Black Ravens 0 : Nomad All Saints 8

FINAL SCORE : Nomad Black Ravens 1 : Nomad All Saints 14

1st Period
Mark Casselle Mickey – Nomad All Saints (3:44)
William Chong – Nomad All Saints (5:31)
Adrian Crnila Bin Kareem – Nomad All Saints (5:55)
Mark Casselle Mickey – Nomad All Saints (8:20)
Adrian Crnila Bin Kareem – Nomad All Saints (9:32)
Adrian Crnila Bin Kareem – Nomad All Saints (10:14)
Eugene Wong – Nomad Black Ravens (13:09)

2nd Period
William Chong – Nomad All Saints (1:09)
Mark Casselle Mickey – Nomad All Saints (1:17)
Adrian Crnila Bin Kareem – Nomad All Saints (5:00)
Adrian Crnila bin Kareem – Nomad All Saints (5:19)
Alexander Carl Gutual – Nomad All Saints (6:31)
Alexander Carl Gutual – Nomad All Saints (15:09)
Mark Casselle Mickey – Nomad All Saints (16:47)
Samantha Jafree – Nomad All Saints (19:58)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Nomad Floorball League News Flash!!!

Attention! Attention! Attention!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, please find the updated Match Schedule below.

Monday - 5th May 2008: (Damai Community Hall)
  • Hope-Skytos (2) vs Nomad Black Ravens (4) (7-8pm) DONE
  • Nomad All Saints (3) vs Reloaded (9) (8-9pm) DONE
Wednesday - 7th May 2008: (Damai Community Hall)

  • Hope-Skytos (5) vs Nomad All Saints (6) (7-8pm) DONE
  • Nomad Black Ravens vs Reloaded (8-9pm) ----> POSTPONED to 18th May 2008 (SUNDAY)
Monday - 12th May 2008: (Damai Community Hall)
  • Reloaded vs Hope-Skytos (7-8pm) ----> 1st Period DONE, 2nd period POSTPONED to 18th May 2008 (SUNDAY)
  • Nomad Black Ravens vs Nomad All Saints (8-9pm) ----> POSTPONED to 17th May 2008 (SATURDAY)
  • Prize giving and photography (9-9:30pm) ----> RESCHEDULED to 18th May 2008 (SUNDAY)
Saturday- 17th May 2008: (S.M. All Saints)
  • Nomad Black Ravens (1) vs Nomad All Saints (14) (8-9pm)
Sunday- 18th May 2008: (Damai Community Hall)
  • Reloaded (10) vs Hope-Skytos (3) (3:30pm - 4pm)
  • Nomad Black Ravens (5) vs Reloaded (16) (4:15pm - 5:15pm)
  • Prize giving and photography (5:15pm - 5:45pm)

Hope-Skytos vs Nomad All Saints

Make it or break it. Both teams are desperate for a win to stay off the bottom of the league table. Renewed spirit has brought team Hope-Skytos early unto the war zone. This time they brought along their drill sergeant, Jarrow Marcus. He is a man that commands authority; when he speaks submission follows. Sir! yes sir!

Team Nomad All Saints however had no numbers to show for. A smuggling attempt for an unregistered player was foiled by our watchful secretariat, Philip Chin . With Kiran bin Abdul Hatam and Mohamed Adam Mohamed Ali absent, it’s gonna be an underhand battle between a team of 8 (Nomad All Saints) and a team of 11 (Hope-Skytos). On a positive note to Nomad’s favor, the All Saints boys have already inflicted damage even before the battle began. Notoriously famous for their hard-style playing, no other team has successfully committed all penalty offences on the book except this one. Good thing Team Hope-Skytos brought in numbers, they’re gonna need it!

The whistle blows! Its not surprising to see conservative play from Hope-Skytos but with Nomad All Saints taming down as well, one would expect judgment day is been delayed. Its obvious Hope-Skytos is working on their organized attack and Nomad All Saints holding their patience. By the first minute, Mark Casselle Mickey (1:04) fired an easy score to send the first warning to their opponents.

A second warning shot by the unassuming Alexander Carl Gutual (6:01), with no forward experience extended the lead by 2 for Nomad All Saints. Obviously All Saints is taunting their opponent, warming up for a bigger meal.

Capt. Oscar Chew retaliated and shifted his team into power play, doubling all scoring attempts with him personally taking on 3 defenders from the left wing but to no avail. All shots were either deflected off the defenders, or it was a poor miss. Nomad’s shining armor proves impenetrable with Capt. William Chong holding the helm. Nomad All Saints bled by the 9th minute, as Capt. Oscar Chew’s (9:29) shot delivered a fatal blow into the corner of the cage. Hope came rushing in.

Perhaps it was a mistake to stay on prolonged power play even with numbers. A swift counter attack by Mark Casselle Mickey (12:04) on the 12th minute strengthened Nomad’s dominance, but it only serves to infuriate Hope-Skytos’ burning passion to get even. Just 14 seconds from face off, Capt. William Chong (12:18) prepares to flush any left-over hope off their opponents with a magnificent play, dribbling from the back of his own goal, passing a winger, a centre forward and 2 defenders; scoring against the established goalie, Jonathan Lim. What a move! Suffering from fatigue due to prolonged power play Hope-Skytos retreated into passive fore-check; and they held till the end of 1st period.

End of 1st Period : Hope-Skytos 1 : Nomad All Saints 4

Hold the Fort! That was Nomad All Saints’ strategy in the second half, but it was such a huge lead on the score board, Capt. William Chong sent his players for a stroll around the battle field. Terence Wong of Hope-Skytos started to go offensive, partnering with Joerel Marcus and Leslie Ling, the trio confused and baffled Nomad’s defense, shooting through with Terrence Wong (3:21) while maintaining his composure. One can only wonder where does Hope-Skytos’ fighting spirit comes from. As if that wasn’t enough, a second score by Terence Wong (6:22) again on the right wing sent shockwaves into Nomad All Saints’ stronghold. They were closing in.

Taking matters into his own hands, Capt. William Chong came back into active duty from his retirement bench. Defending against waves and waves of slap shots, Capt William Chong committed an untimely 2-minute bench penalty by high-sticking Jarrow Marcus on a desperate clear. With such momentum stacking up, Jarrow Marcus too committed a 2-minute bench penalty for pushing, desperate for a score. Immediately after finishing his 2-minutes, Capt. William Chong (13:57) sneaked up against Hope-Skytos’ defense and crushed her fans with a close range slap shot right next to the goalie. It wasn’t just scoring, it was intimidation!

Unfazed, Hope-Skytos pressed in with High Fore-Check position. Taking opportunity on Nomad’s fatigued players, Terence Wong (15:01) scored to the right side of the cage from the right wing, reigniting their fighting spirits. Seeing that Nomad All Saints is out of fresh substitution players, they played like their whole life depended on it. In 54 seconds, Terence Wong (15:55) successfully placed his team in equal standing with Nomad All Saints; shooting past 2 defenders and a goalie from centre court!. 4 minutes left on the clock with a 5: 5 score, the atmosphere is electrifying!

What a disaster for Capt. William Chong; as he is now forced to change to semi fore-check position. With all his pale faced players wishing for strength, they miraculously turned the table around. It is now Hope-Skytos’ turn to hold their fort!

It was a desperate attempt to pull away. Every Nomad players were gambling for a long shot to seal their victory, but it wasn’t happening under Jonathan Lim’s guard. Not until Adrian Crnila Bin Kareem (16:49), perhaps the skinniest Nomad All Saints player scored a rebound on this crucial juncture.

3 minutes left on the clock, Hope-Skytos gave it their all and punished the Nomads for their last score. It was a strong play until Jarrow Marcus got slapped with another 2-minute bench penalty for pushing with his elbows. With one player short from Hope-Skytos, Nomad All Saints stood in victory at the end of the match.

End of 2nd Period : Hope-Skytos 4 : Nomad All Saints 2

FINAL SCORE : Hope-Skytos 5 : Nomad All Saints 6

1st Period

Mark Casselle Mickey - Nomad All Saints (1:04)
Alexander Carl Gutual - Nomad All Saints (6:01)
Capt. Oscar Chew - Hope-Skytos (9:29)
Mark Casselle Mickey - Nomad All Saints (12:04)
Capt. William Chong - Nomad All Saints (12:18)

2nd Period

Terence Wong - Hope-Skytos (3:21)
Terence Wong - Hope-Skytos (6:22)
Capt. William Chong - Nomad All Saints (13:57)
Terence Wong - Hope-Skytos (15:01)
Terence Wong - Hope-Skytos (15:55)
Adrian Crnila Bin Kareem - Nomad All Saints (16:49)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nomad All Saints vs Reloaded

The match-up between Nomad All Saints and Reloaded lived up to its billing as the most action packed game of the night. New kids on the block, All Saints comprised of members from the SM All Saints school, led by their captain, Capt. William Chong who is also the Sabah West Coast MSSM hockey goalie against the very experienced and battle hardened Reloaded team led by acting captain, Telly Chong. (Capt. Chin Foo Wing was absent)

From the first second, both teams were vying for control of the game, with both sides going on the offence, testing the opponent’s goalies and the counter-attacking once the offence was broken down. However, it was evident from the start that the veteran Reloaded team played with a maturity and composure that far exceeded their age. They read the game and each other well (Agent Mulder and Scully of the X-files would claim that they were communicating through Telepathy if they watched the game!) and their deft passing on both sides of the court left the All Saints team struggling to gain possession by playing a more physical game and scraping and fighting for the ball, often times committing offences that sent their players to the bench and giving Reloaded a chance to put pressure on their opponents in power play. However, it was during one of these power plays that All Saints were able to turn the table on their opponents when Capt. William Chong intercepted a stray pass and raced for the goal and skilfully manoeuvred the ball to open the account for the All Saints. Nevertheless, Reloaded kept their composure and stuck to their game plan and in the 11th minute, they were rewarded when Gregory Chin slapped a missile into the top corner of the All Saints cage setting his team in frenzy. They soon struck again in the 13th minute while All Saints were caught napping and a skilful pass to an unmarked Adrian Lim was converted into a beautiful shot upstairs, far from the reach of the All Saints goalie. Reloaded would go on to score yet another time before the end of the period.

End of 1st Period: Nomad All Saints 1 : Reloaded 3

All Saints decided to field their 2nd goalie in the 2nd period but that did not stop the scoring frenzy of team Reloaded. With their confidence building, they took advantage of All Saints who were looking tired and dispirited. Once again Gregory Chin found the back of the net just 2 minutes into the game. Retaliation from All Saints was swift, with their Captain, Capt. William Chong scoring shortly after that. All Saints, were not about to give up yet. However, their respite was temporary as Reloaded were again allowed to wreck havoc in All Saints’ half and their unmarked Samuel Wong scored back to back goals in the 2nd & 3rd minute. A brave solo effort by Capt. William Chong brought the score to 3-6 to Reloaded.

From that point onwards, the game descended into more of a fistfight, with both teams slugging it out with their bodies and stick, and the referee warning several players, particularly from All Saints to behave or risk being sent to the penalty bench. Team Reloaded would go one to score 3 more goals through their playmakers, Gregory Chin and Samuel Wong before the end of the 2nd period.

End of 2nd Period: Nomad All Saints 2 : Reloaded 6

The game ended with both teams giving their best and leaving nothing to chance and both teams deserve to be applauded for the wonderful match that left everyone who was watching asking for more. With 4 more games to slug it out between all the teams, the inaugural season promises to be an exciting one!

FINAL SCORE : Nomad All Saints 3 : Reloaded 9

1st Period
Capt. William Chong - Nomad All Saints (7m 03s)
Gregory Chin - Reloaded (11m 21s)
Adrian Lim - Reloaded (13m 12s)
Lim Yao Seng - Reloaded (16m 04s)

2nd Period
Gregory Chin - Reloaded (1m 45s)
Capt. William Chong - Nomad All Saints (2m 37s)
Samuel Wong - Reloaded (2m 59s)
Samuel Wong - Reloaded (3m 45s)
Capt. William Chong - Nomad All Saints (4m 12s)
Gregory Chin - Reloaded (9m 59s)
Samuel Wong - Reloaded (12m 55s)
Gregory Chin - Reloaded (15m 07s)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hope-Skytos vs Nomad Black Ravens

The league is officially started by the first match opening lead by Capt. Oscar Chew of Hope-Skytos and Capt. Leonard Wong of Nomad Black Ravens. Just a short history of team Hope-Skytos; which is the power combination and the best of team Eklektos and team Power Oranges, presenting a real threat to the Black Ravens. From the start, it is evident Nomad Black Ravens is up against a team that will display a game play full of energy, speed, and youthful passion.

By the first blow of the whistle, both sides are struggling to gain game dominance with lots of exchanged possessions and careless passes. Once the floor is warmed up, Hope-Skytos drew first blood by the 11th minute through Leslie Ling (11:10) in close range! How did he pass those defenders!

While licking up their wounds with 3 minutes remaining in the first half, Jonathan Lee (17:13) of Black Ravens returned the favor to gain an equalizing goal. Jonathan Lim (acting goalie of Hope-Skytos) however doubted the legitimacy of the goal and called upon the referee for a check. After hearing out their defense, the referee stood firm with his decision and it was a moment of relief for the Ravens.

End of 1st Period : Hope-Skytos 1 : Nomad Black Ravens 1

By the second half, the Ravens are no longer circling their prey. Its time to go for the kill. Jonathan Lee (1:00) scored within the first minute with his signature air-drag shot which got the crowd cheering. With the morale advantage the Ravens has now, team captain, Capt. Leonard called for High Fore-Check formation, pressuring to break Hope-Skytos' attacking spirit. By the 5th minute, Capt. Leonard (5:43) prepared the coffin by scoring a rebound from Eugene Wong's half court slap shot. Its even rumored to be a personal spiritual victory for the dear Captain. Disbelief was written all across his face.

Eugene Wong (5:52) aka. Sniper, finally nailed the coffin from beyond half court, shooting right from home within 2 seconds from the start of face-off, which sent Jonathan Lim unto his knees begging for mercy. The crowd was going crazy with the 4:1 lead by the Black Ravens. Under the command of Capt. Leonard, the team moved into defensive play, which could've been a grave mistake. Unfortunately for Hope-Skytos, even with their commendable fighting spirit, they were not able to break Black Raven's defense. Credit goes to Deidre Leonard, Cynthia Lee, Felix Wong and Chin Kong for their sacrificial defense.

16 minutes left on the clock, Hope-Skytos pressed-in and never slowed down. It was a morale blow, but they still had time. Numerous shots were attempted, but none could pass through Raven's defense, not until the end of the 16th minute; with 3 minutes left on the clock, Leslie Ling (16:59) again penetrated Raven's stronghold and took on the goalie one-on-one, narrowing their margin of defeat with a score!

End of 2nd Period : Hope-Skytos 1 : Nomad Black Ravens 3

FINAL SCORE : Hope-Skytos 2 : Nomad Black Ravens 4

1st Period
Leslie Ling - Hope-Skytos (11:10)
Jonathan Lee - Nomad Black Ravens (17:13)

2nd Period
Jonathan Lee - Nomad Black Ravens (1:00)
Capt. Leonard Wong - Nomad Black Ravens (5:43)
Eugene Wong - Nomad Black Ravens (5:52)
Leslie Ling - Hope-Skytos (16:59)