Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hope-Skytos vs Nomad Black Ravens

The league is officially started by the first match opening lead by Capt. Oscar Chew of Hope-Skytos and Capt. Leonard Wong of Nomad Black Ravens. Just a short history of team Hope-Skytos; which is the power combination and the best of team Eklektos and team Power Oranges, presenting a real threat to the Black Ravens. From the start, it is evident Nomad Black Ravens is up against a team that will display a game play full of energy, speed, and youthful passion.

By the first blow of the whistle, both sides are struggling to gain game dominance with lots of exchanged possessions and careless passes. Once the floor is warmed up, Hope-Skytos drew first blood by the 11th minute through Leslie Ling (11:10) in close range! How did he pass those defenders!

While licking up their wounds with 3 minutes remaining in the first half, Jonathan Lee (17:13) of Black Ravens returned the favor to gain an equalizing goal. Jonathan Lim (acting goalie of Hope-Skytos) however doubted the legitimacy of the goal and called upon the referee for a check. After hearing out their defense, the referee stood firm with his decision and it was a moment of relief for the Ravens.

End of 1st Period : Hope-Skytos 1 : Nomad Black Ravens 1

By the second half, the Ravens are no longer circling their prey. Its time to go for the kill. Jonathan Lee (1:00) scored within the first minute with his signature air-drag shot which got the crowd cheering. With the morale advantage the Ravens has now, team captain, Capt. Leonard called for High Fore-Check formation, pressuring to break Hope-Skytos' attacking spirit. By the 5th minute, Capt. Leonard (5:43) prepared the coffin by scoring a rebound from Eugene Wong's half court slap shot. Its even rumored to be a personal spiritual victory for the dear Captain. Disbelief was written all across his face.

Eugene Wong (5:52) aka. Sniper, finally nailed the coffin from beyond half court, shooting right from home within 2 seconds from the start of face-off, which sent Jonathan Lim unto his knees begging for mercy. The crowd was going crazy with the 4:1 lead by the Black Ravens. Under the command of Capt. Leonard, the team moved into defensive play, which could've been a grave mistake. Unfortunately for Hope-Skytos, even with their commendable fighting spirit, they were not able to break Black Raven's defense. Credit goes to Deidre Leonard, Cynthia Lee, Felix Wong and Chin Kong for their sacrificial defense.

16 minutes left on the clock, Hope-Skytos pressed-in and never slowed down. It was a morale blow, but they still had time. Numerous shots were attempted, but none could pass through Raven's defense, not until the end of the 16th minute; with 3 minutes left on the clock, Leslie Ling (16:59) again penetrated Raven's stronghold and took on the goalie one-on-one, narrowing their margin of defeat with a score!

End of 2nd Period : Hope-Skytos 1 : Nomad Black Ravens 3

FINAL SCORE : Hope-Skytos 2 : Nomad Black Ravens 4

1st Period
Leslie Ling - Hope-Skytos (11:10)
Jonathan Lee - Nomad Black Ravens (17:13)

2nd Period
Jonathan Lee - Nomad Black Ravens (1:00)
Capt. Leonard Wong - Nomad Black Ravens (5:43)
Eugene Wong - Nomad Black Ravens (5:52)
Leslie Ling - Hope-Skytos (16:59)

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