Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Fellowship Of The Sticks

15th Dec 2007 marked the match aka practice match between Eklektos (BCCM Likas Youth Group) and the Nomads. Well that Saturday was like any normal practice for floorball but today was slightly different. We've had more than enough people till we are able to form separate teams for the dudes and the gals. But of course we started off with an intense warmup of running up and down the badminton court. Then it was time for goaling practice while controling the ball.
Now it was show time. This time we had 2goalies; shawn and leonard for each side of the court. 2 teams each for the dudes' and gals' side. Each game lasted 10 mins but was fast and furious. Yet it was a good experience playing with new friends where we learn to be flexible with people's style. We had a mixture of newbies and veterans yet was a good learning experience.And of course enjoying our new floorball 'kaki'.
Stay tuned for more floorball news=p Cheers.

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