Jonathan demonstrating to the kid how to shoot with a left stick.
All set to beat the goalie.
Our captain Shawn giving some pointers to the kid.
The shot that sent the ball flying sky high.
Leonard as the goalie.
Jonathan demonstrating to the kid how to shoot with a left stick.
All set to beat the goalie.
Our captain Shawn giving some pointers to the kid.
The shot that sent the ball flying sky high.
Leonard as the goalie.
Figure 2: These balls have no dimples and are softer and smoother than in Figure 1. Perfect for youngsters. Whites are unavailable. We may have red ones. RM3.00 per ball.
Interested? Contact Shawn (016-8301020) or email to . Please note that transportation cost is not inclusive.
The Nomads and all systems go.
The Nomads in action.
Everyone's attention held in awe and excitement.
Philip recording the action.
Madalen geting ready.
Eugene with his Canadien One stick
The game against Skyline Team
The silver medalists and their catch.
Mr. Edward showing our team captain Shawn how to be a goalie. Notice all the protective gear he's wearing.
Mr. Edward briefing the participants with Penny his assistant looking on.
This the wrong way to hold your stick.
The right way to hold the stick. Held at the end for added power while shooting.
While you hold your stick, your fore finger should not be sticking out to avoid injury. (pic left). The right way is to grip the stick with no fingers sticking out.
As we've mentioned before, floorball sticks cater to both lefties and righties. For lefties, they may want to use a right stick which shoots from the right side due to the blade that curves towards the left. You hold the top of the stick with your left while your right is below your left. The power thus comes from your left hand. Its' the same principle for righties but in the opposite. The righties would use a left stick to shoot from the left side. Below is a comparison between a left stick and right stick.
Left stick (top), right stick (bottom).
Right stick with the blade curving towards the left (left). Left stick with the blade curving towards the right (right).
Now here's an example of how to shoot from the right side and left side. Lots and lots of practice needed to familiarise yourself with the stick. Let it be your second skin.
Shooting from the right with a right stick.
Shooting from the left with a left stick.
Good things must always come to an end though yet the clinic was realy helpful for those who don't have a clue bout floorball. So now for homework, its' back to practice in the end. Last but not least, a grateful thank you to Mr. Edward and his team for their wilingness to come.
Group pic at the end of the clinic. Nomad Floorball Club (NFC) and D'Gap Team were the participants in this clinic.
Group pic of the Nomad Floorball Club (NFC) under the helm of Shawn Chung the team captain.
Hungry for more? stay tune for more...this is just the beginning.
Specially dedicated to rookies and veterans alike. Cheers=p
... . . ....... . . .. umm..... .. . . . . .. ... . . .. HMMmmm... .. ..... ... interesting......
Are we online yet?...
OH HELLO~~!!!!
We play floorball every Saturday Night!
Time : 8pm to 10pm
Venue: S.M All Saints Hall